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Marathon Plan Improver - L2

£800 GBP

About this plan

Welcome to the Improver Marathon Plan!

This plan has been designed for anyone who has run a marathon in the past and is looking to improve upon their time.

Also included in the training plan is:
- a pace chart so you know exactly how fast your runs should be
- a full glossary of terms so you'll always know what to do
- loads of tips each week so you can learn along the way and stay motivated!

Everything you need to get you a marathon PB and have fun doing it! Come back and let me know how you got on, it's great to hear your stories!

Plan Details / Who is this for?

Ideal for anyone targeting a 3:45-4:30 finish time.

The first week is 16 miles/26km.

The biggest week is 40 miles/64km.

3-4 runs each week.

The plan has both miles and kilometres.

15 weeks in length with easy to understand, structured training with time set aside for you to implement your own strength training.

Optional Strength Routine Add On

The 'Plan + Strength Routine' option includes the full plan plus 3 integrated "at home" strength routines with warm up and cool down exercises.

Beginner friendly and easy to follow.

No equipment necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the training plans in miles or kilometers?

We have written the training plans in both miles and kms, both of which are included in the PDF file so you can refer to whichever one suits you.

The pace charts are also in miles and km's too.

How will I receive my plan?

You will receive an email with a link to download your plan straight after purchase.

You can also click a link on the checkout success page.

This will download the PDF file to your computer, tablet or phone. 

What format do the training plans come in?

The plans are a downloadable PDF file which you can view on any device or print off.

You will be emailed the link to download your plan.

Please note the plan can only be downloaded a maximum of 5 times. 

I feel I am in between two training plans, which one should I go for?

Each plan gives the number of days of training per week, so we’d advise going for the one which best fits in with your current lifestyle and commitments.

Also consider the number of miles or km's for the first week and peak week and compare that figure to where you are currently.

The best success will come from following a plan that is achievable given your lifestyle and current fitness. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 100 reviews
Larry Sayer (AU)
Great plan, easy to use - far!

So far so good with the plan, easy to follow and very clear explanations, I just now need a method to remember everything whilst running!

Christian (DE)
Great plan for great results

Tried to go sub4 for years, but never really got there. After having used Bens inbetween plan I gave Bens Marathon plan a try and what can I say. Volume and variabilty plus the added strength training really worked for me rersulting in a 3:57 @ Bienwaldmarathon near Karlsruhe/Germany. Needless to say wearing my Gettingitdone singlet and cap :-)

J.C. (VE)
Helped me feel strong and confident for my first ever Marathon

For my first Marathon I decided to do this plan because I knew it was a tough course. Even when I had my hiccups during training, I came to race day feeling super prepared and strong. My aerobic base felt really good, and I’m so happy I went with a plan. Thank you for such a detailed and easy to understand structure! I finished in exactly 5 hours 55 seconds. For my first marathon in such a difficult and hilly course, I’m so proud of myself!

Brett Donaghy (AU)
Training in Australia

Currently using the Half plan and will start using the Marathon plan soon. They are so simple and flexible to follow.

Jonathan Parsons (US)
2nd Marathon Plan, 4:15 -- 4:30.

I plan to run my second marathon in April. My 15 week training officially starts Jan. 10. I am also planning a half marathon a week prior to that. I want to improve my marathon time by at least 20 minutes. My first marathon time was 4:51. This was a hill climb of 1,900 feet and a equal decent. Currently I'm doing more strength training along with running. I plan on using Ben Parkes running plan to train for the Salt Lake City Marathon. I am impressed with the details yet easy to comprehend plan I downloaded (Level 2/ Improver). I will use this plan for guidance and motivation to achieve my goal. My half is a hill climb, and my routes are hilly so I will get plenty of incline training in my runs. I am on pace now to begin the prescribed runs and paces. I look forward to documenting my progress with this plan. I plan on running the hill climb marathon again in August. 2025 here I come!

Matthew Warren (GB)
Amazing Plans!

I used Ben's half marathon plan to knock a whopping 45 minutes off in one year! His visuals for the body weight training makes it easy to follow, and encouraging to actually do! Would highly recommend his plans and to watch his videos on YouTube for further motivation!

Konstanze Kaas (DE)
Best plan out there!

I have been following Ben for ages on YouTube and always enjoyed his content - he's my absolute favourite channel. Since I was looking for a well-structured training plan for my next marathon the decision was fairly easy :) I am only on week two of the plan, but here are my first thoughts. I enjoy that the plan is manageable and also weaves in strenght training, which I has always been a struggle for me to include into my week. The build up to a higher weekly mileage is slow and you also get deload weeks. I also love about the plan, that it comes with explanations on what to expect in a week and what the focus is. This motivates me. The longruns are structured and have you run easy and marathon pace. This is not only great for getting used to running the race pace on tired legs, but also breaks up a longer distance in chunks and is thus easier on the mind. And lastly the price is great: You get a lot of bang for your buck.

Lars Steffensen (DK)
2 marathons down and smashed expectations

Originally got this plan and followed it to the point (3:45 pacing) for my first marathon where I aimed for a sub 4 marathon. It didn't go to plan (5:25!) but it was definitely not due to the plan. I signed up for another marathon 10 weeks after and jumped straight into the plan with some modifications. This time with a 3:44 marathon time. Way better than I could ever have hoped.
Two weeks prior to the marathon this plan also led me to a half marathon PB of 1:42 with a 12 min PB improvement.

The good:
* Great variation in the plan and it pushes you, but at the time time doesn't go too hard.
* Good exercises
* Super easy to read
* Nice encouraging messages.

What could be improved.
* I found the taper having too much volume. At the start line of the first marathon I was exhausted, but at the second time I had about 20km weeks before and during the week just 10km. This was much more appropriate and felt much more rested.
* A bit more guidance on how to modify the plan if needed. When it goes from 3 runs per week to 4 i found it hard to change rythms. An advice on how to accommodate the volume the best way possible to fit 3x would be nice. E.g. combine if needed run 1 and 3. Or alternative suggest other things like replace this run with 1h of biking in zone 2.

In the bigger perspective its the best plan i have tried, and will now buy his half marathon plan to nail the races in 2025.

Philip Battersby (AU)
Total novice In week 1, but used the ultra plan to great effect

So having completed my first back yard ultra in March, having never run before other than playing rugby…. I struggled to 6 yards…. Nothing went well (training, nutrition, heat on the day 35oC) so looked for a change of approach… found Ben’s material online / YouTube and started to learn how to run. Technique, shoes, you name it I tried it…. I downloaded the ultra for beginner in spite of never running further that 40kms. Seeing some of the training distances I was like “oh sh*t” but went all in.
What I really learned was the art of running slowly, when before it was always peddle to the metal to get the run done! The pacing charts were exceptional, and found whilst the kms were a huge increase for me, the lower intensity meant I avoided the dreaded calf niggles which have blighted me as an ex-front rower!!
I was pretty strict over the 16 weeks, missing 2 runs, and then in August I entered birdy’s back yard ultra just south of Perth in Western Australia… I was running with my 2 friends who’d used a Garmin training program, and we’d seen distances and intensities we’d been doing over the months into the lead up to the event… if I’m honest I’d probably done about 25% more distance than them, and on the day it showed!!
I hit my 15 hour goal and that 100km mark, and had room to spare. This was a big jump from the 40kms I’d managed just 4 months earlier!
I have to says it has everything to do with the plan! All I can say is thanks, and is why I’ve downloaded this marathon plan to keep myself moving!!!
I have a few trail runs planned in the next 12 months including my first point to point ultra…. Can’t wait!
Keep doing you thing Ben, and Sarah! Channels great, plans are great…. All I need now is those super blast 2s….. like the mythical unicorn-hard to find!

L.S. (DK)
Super nice plan

Really easy to follow plan, that got me my first marathon. I followed it very rigorously and it was great. Surely there is some getting used to with the many slow KMs, but all plans got those.

I really liked the comments from Sarah and Ben as the weeks progressed and if you're considering the plan, then pick up a cap as well. Seriously the best cap i have tried.